This Add on facilitates user to Select Party Name using Mobile Number in Voucher Entry and Report. Mobile Number is to be entered in Mobile Number Field of Ledger Master. Useful for selecting party by Mobile Number when having confusion on Ledger Name. User can enable this Add-On for Selected Voucher Type also
Price : ₹1180
By Default User cannot print E-Way Bill and Invoice separately. E-way bill Print comes only after printing of Invoice. With this add on user can print E-Way Bill and Invoice separately. Useful for printing only E-Way Bill without invoice or Only Invoice without E-Way Bill. Saves paper costing.
This add-on facilitates User to get the bank details entered in voucher as narration automatically. This add-on works in payment and receipt Vouchers. No need to type the Bank details again in Narration. Easy to know bank details from the voucher Main Screen itself rather than opening from transaction type screen.
By default Tally Software allows to enter Bill of Material Details for stock Item and use the same in Manufacturing Journal. User cannot take print out of entered BOM. This Add-on facilitates the user to print BOM (Bill of Material) details of particular stock item.Useful to take Print out of any BOM.User can select BOM to be printed if Stock Item has Multiple BOM
By default tally gives Export File named as “Accounting Voucher” or “Inventory Voucher” or “Order Voucher” with extension as selected format, and we have to alter it as per requirement. Using this Add-on it will create files name as Ledger name with Voucher Number to save separately each vouchers file while exporting. Easy to identify the required file for any Party from the file Name. No need to open the file. File overwrite with old one can be prevented.
This add-on facilitates User to Create Freight Journal Voucher Automatically after making Sales & Purchase Invoice. Also create advance payment entry voucher .It asks the required details like Transport Ledger Name, Freight Amount, Freight Ledger , Journal ,payment voucher type, cash or bank and payment amount in the Sales Voucher and purchase Voucher.
Price : ₹3540
This Add-On allows the user to select party Name from Selected ledger Group only. User has to first select the ledger Group and then party of that Group only will be displayed for Selection. This Add-On works for Sales, Sales Order, Credit Note Purchase, Purchase Order, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Receipt, Receipt Note and Payment vouchers. This is useful to users having large ledger database and Group. It improves the accuracy and speed of voucher entry.
By default All Stock Items are printed in E-Way Bill. This Add-On gives the option of Printing HSN Wise Total Qty, Amount and GST Details in E-Way Bill instead of printing Each Stock Item. Makes E-Way Bill compact and saves the paper cost. Helps in avoiding to disclose Item Name and its Selling Price.
This add on facilitates user to view daily cash and bank balances in daybook in single screen. It is easy for owner to view daily transaction along with Cash and Bank Balance Details in Single Screen.
By default Tally provides payment and receipt summary report but in compact form. With this add on user can view payment and receipt summary report in a very expanded and simple way in just one single click. It shows all the details of payment and receipt Vouchers in Separate Column for each Voucher along with amount Total. Very useful for Top Managements to View Payment and Receipt Report.
Price : ₹2360
This add on facilitates the user to print Godown Wise Item Details from voucher. This Add-On Works for All Vouchers containing Stock Items. Useful when having multiple Godowns and to print the Godown Wise list of Items to be collected from each Godown.
This add-on allows to upload Employee Photo in Employee Master. Once uploaded, Employee image can be viewed in Emp Master Screen, Employee Profile and Pay Slip. The format of image should be .JPEG or .BMP. It is helpful to identify the employee with their image .Pay slip can be printed with Employee Image.