By Default, Tally does not display contact details of ledger in main ledger screen, to enter contact details of ledger we have to open contact details screen. With this add on user can see ledger contact details in ledger main screen. User can enter contact details of particular ledger directly from the main screen . Easy to view Contact Details of any existing Ledger.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on will provide user to update the ledger contact details of a specific group for better and easy access to them. User can update or see contact details of ledger from one single screen. No need to go in every ledger alteration screen to enter or update contact details of particular ledger. It saves time of updating. Easy to maintain contact details of ledgers.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on facilitates the user to print Payment Advice with Pre-Inserted Authorized Signature.
This module helps the user to enter Sales and Purchase Voucher with AMC details. It also helps the user to generate current AMC Customer and Supplier Report and also Expiry Report for AMC. It calculates AMC End Date automatically. Prints AMC Details in Invoice. Gives the option of printing details as Separate Column or Description. Gives the report of AMC which are going to expire in that period.
Price : ₹4720
This add-on facilitates the user to display current number of Item present in stock during item selection list in voucher entry. It does not show negative and zero stock item. This add-on works on Sales Voucher and Delivery Note. This add-on increases the accuracy and speed of voucher entry. User have exact number of stock item present in stock.
By Default Tally provides only one batch number to enter in the manufacturing journal for new created Stock Item. This add-on allows the user to enter multiple batch numbers for new created Stock Item. No need to enter Multiple Mfg. Journal Vouchers for Multiple Batch Creation of Single Product. It also allocates Cost equally amongst all batches of New Generated Stock Item.
Price : ₹2950
This add-on provides detailed information of ledgers and Stock Items other than the name while selecting ledger and item in selection table. This helps to know more information about ledgers and stock items in selection table and helps in selecting correct Ledger and Stock Item. User can configure other information details to be displayed in selection.
With this add-on, you can generate the Delivery Note or Sales Invoice directly from the ‘Pending Sales Order’ by selecting the Stock Items from the Pending Orders List, which are to be dispatched.
Price : ₹2360
This Add-on gives the option of printing Alternate Unit Column in Stock Journal Voucher. User gets Total of Alternate unit in Stock Journal Voucher.
By default in Tally, when we select Export Masters (Ledgers and Stock Items), All ledgers and stock items get exported in XML. User cannot select any specific group. This add-on allows user to select Ledger Group or Stock Group while exporting Master Data. So Masters related to that group only will be exported.
In default Tally, User enters Item Wise Discount in % (Percentage) during Voucher Entry. Tally does not show discount in amount. This add-on helps user to view entered % discount in Amount. It also shows Total Discount in Amount entered for all the Items. This add-on works in Sales Invoice, Purchase, Credit Note, Debit Note, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Note and Receipt Note.
This add-on enables user to sort Expiry Date wise Pending Batch allocation in Voucher Entry. It helps to select the batch which is going to expire early. It is very useful when Batch is to be allocated on FIFO Basis (Old Pending Batch need to be settled first) .