This add on facilitates user to highlight negative balance stock item in sales voucher entry. It display current available stock in voucher entry. This add on works also in sales order.If user made sales order earlier and want to make sales invoice of that order but stock is negative this add on helps to know that which item is negative.
Price : ₹1770
By default tally print subtotal of every ledger in accounting invoice. This add on facilitates user to print only subtotal of ledger before Tax in Accounting Invoice.Helpful to the user to know the total amount of ledger before tax in accounting voucher.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on facilitates the user to print only description in place of product /service Ledger name in voucher Print.Useful when user does not want to print Stock Item Name or Accounting Ledger Name but wants to print only it’s Description.Can be configured for only Required Voucher Type.
This add-on facilitates User to display Bill Wise Reference Details in Columnar Registers. It displays Bill Reference Name, Date and Amount in Separate Column. It displays Multiple Bill References also in Separate Row. It works in all Accounting Vouchers.Easy to know Bill Reference Details in Columnar Report itself rather than opening the vouchers.
Price : ₹2360
By Default Tally Software does not give the option of Printing Stock Item Description along with Stock Item Name in Detailed Mode of E-Way Bill Print. With this add on user can also print stock item description in E-Way Bill.Print Item Description helps to understand the details of Stock Item being shipped.
This add on facilitates user to Generate CPCB EPR Plastic Annual Report. This add on generates importer and producer Sales/Purchase Report directly from Tally. Helpful in uploading CPCB EPR Annual Return.Useful to CPCB EPR Plastic Importers /exporters to generate Annual Sales & Purchase Data directly from Tally.
Price : ₹4130
By Default User can add One Logo in Voucher Print in Tally Software. This add-on facilitates the user to add Second logo in voucher print. This add on works in Sales, Credit Note, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Sales Order, Journal, Payment and Receipt Voucher. It works only in Simple Invoice Print Format Only. It does not work in Comprehensive Invoice Print format.It is useful to print Any Certification or any Brand Logo along with own company Logo.
By default tally print HSN/SAC Code without description in Invoice. With this add-on user can print HSN/SAC description in GST Analysis in Invoice along with HSN/SAC Code.HSN Description helps the user to identify Category of Goods/Services.
This Add-On allows Party wise Item Selection in voucher entry. Stock Item which was selected in party ledger master only will be displayed for Selection in Voucher Entry. This Add-On works for Sales, Sales Order, Credit Note, Purchase, Purchase Order, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Receipt Note. Users gets smaller List of Stock Item in Voucher Entry. It reduces the chances of wrong item selection. Increases the speed of Voucher Entry because of Quick Item Selection.
Price : ₹2950
By Default Tally does not give Selection Option of Display Only Debit or Only Credit Entry Vouchers in Group Outstanding and Ageing Report. This module facilitates the user to select only debit or only credit Entry Vouchers in Group Outstanding Report. Selection Option is given in Basis of Value Button. Based on that selection, ageing wise group outstanding report is also generated.
By default Tally doesn’t print No of Packages Total in Invoice. This module facilitates the user to Print Number of Packages Total in Sales Invoice.Useful to know Total Number of Packages for Transportation and Reconciliation of Delivery and Receipt by the Customer.User can choose to print Pkgs Total or not to print in Sales Voucher Type.
By Default in Tally user can change the cost price and selling price rate by altering each Stock Item individually. This add-on provides facility to update Standard Cost and Sale Price of stock item from voucher entry quickly. No need to go in every individual stock item alteration screen to update.User can update STD cost after discount or before price added in voucher entry.Up to date price of stock item can be maintained easily.