In Default Tally, while preparing Purchase Invoice from pending goods receipt note, user has to select each receipt note manually after selecting the party name in supplementary details. This Add-On gives the option of entering the date range where all generated receipt notes for the selected party between the given dates are automatically selected for Purchase Voucher.
Price : ₹1180
In Default Tally, while preparing Sales Invoice from pending Delivery Challan, user has to select Each Delivery Challan manually after selecting the Party Name in Supplementary Details. This Add-On gives the option of entering the Date Range where all Generated Challan for the Selected Party between the given Dates are automatically selected for Sales Invoice.
This add-on facilitates User to Create Payment Automatically after making Purchase Voucher.
Price : ₹2360
This add-on facilitates User to Create Receipt automatically after making Sales Invoice.This add-on allows generation of Single Receipt of Multiple Receipt (Max Up to 3) for Multi-Mode Payment against One Invoice. User can enter Details of Bank Allocation also. No need to enter Receipt Voucher separately and so saves the time.
This Module facilitates user to print Terms & Conditions in Receipt Voucher. Terms also will be printed in Formal Receipt Mode. Module will help to specify and print Terms and Conditions in Receipt Voucher.
This Module facilitates user to Display Stock Item Remarks in Voucher Entry. Module will work for voucher type of Sales, Sales Order, Purchase, Purchase Order, Delivery Note and Receipt Note Only.
This Module facilitates the user to Print User Defined Terms and Conditions in Purchase Order.
With This Add-on User get Facility to Display Godown Name in Daybook.
This add-on facilitates the user to increase the Item Name Field Size & Display width in Item selection list, so that user can read them properly and use it. This will avoid mistakes in Item selection.
This add on facilitates the user to Print Form 27C. All the required details will be fetched automatically from Sales Invoice.
This Add-On allows the user to select Stock Item Name from Selected Group only. User has to first select the Stock Group and then Stock Item for that Group only will be displayed for Selection. Add-On allows the User to Select Group Name only once in Voucher or for each item. This Add-On works for Sales, Sales Order, Credit Note Purchase, Purchase Order, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Receipt Note and Stock Journal.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on facilitates the user to Display Purchase Rate of Item in Item Selection List at Sales & Purchase Voucher Entry. As Per requirement user can choose to display closing rate, standard rate and last purchase voucher rate of item during voucher entry .This will help to know Purchase Rate before deciding Sales Rate.