This module facilitates user for printing Multi Voucher with specific number range.
Price : ₹1180
This module helps the user to view all Party wise voucher type wise transaction Summary Report. User can view all the details of party like Total Amount of - Sales, Sales Order, Purchase, Purchase Order, Payment, Receipt, Debit note, Credit Note, Delivery Note, Journals etc in one shot.
Price : ₹2360
With This add-on user get facilities to send emails of sales invoice for selected parties. User can search Invoice based on Party Name also to Send Email Vouchers for that Party only.
Price : ₹2124
With this add-on user gets facility to View item details while selecting the Delivery Challan or Receipt Note in Sales or Purchase Voucher Entry.Tally shows only Challan No./ Receipt Note No. and Date in Selection. If user gets list of items of that Challan or Receipt Note, it makes it easy for him to select. This add-on works for Sales and Purchase Voucher Entry.
Price : ₹1770
With This Add–on User can Generate Party wise Sales Report Based on Stock Item, Item Group and Item Category. The Report displays total Sold Qty., Sold Amount and Average Rate. The Reports are available in Matrix and Vertical Format Mode. User can filter the Report based on Ledger Name, Ledger Group, Stock Group, Stock Category and Voucher Type.User can generate Report based on Stock Item Primary Unit and Alt Unit both.
Price : ₹3540
With This Add–on User can Generate Stock Item, Item Group and Item Category Wise Party Wise Sales Report. The Report displays total Sold Qty., Sold Amount. The Reports are available in Matrix and Vertical Format Mode. It helps user to analyze the Sales Data (Both Qty and Amount) based on Item Wise. User can filter the Report based on Ledger Name, Ledger Group, Stock Group, Stock Category and Voucher Type.User can generate Report based on Stock Item Primary Unit and Alt Unit both.
With this Add–on user can get Party wise Item wise Purchase Report. Users get Item Qty, Alt Qty as well as Item Amount in report. We will give two Formats in this report. 1) Matrix Format 2) Vertical Format
With this add–on User can get Item wise Party wise Purchase Report. Users get Item Qty, Alt Qty as well as Item Amount in report. We will give two Formats in this report. 1) Matrix Format 2) Vertical Format
With this add-on, admin can control such that User can View or Enter Transaction of Specific Ledger Only. Admin can choose to allow Certain Ledger only or can choose to disallow certain Ledger from Total Ledger as per the requirement. User will be able to access Ledger Report and Enter Transaction of the given Ledgers only.
With this add-on, admin can control such that User can View or Enter Transaction of Specific Ledger Group Only. Admin can choose to allow Certain Groups only or can choose to disallow certain Group from Total Groups as per the requirement. User will be able to access Ledger Report and Enter Transaction of the given Ledgers only.
This Add-On Displays the List of All Customers Sorted by Sales Amount (High to Low) and the List of all Suppliers Sorted by Purchase Amount. User can select the Ledger Group and Period to generate the Report.
This Add-On Displays the List of Top Outstanding Receivables and Payables Reports. Both the reports are displayed sorted by Amount from High to low. User can select the Ledger Group to Generate the Report. Highlights • It helps the user to focus more on Higher Outstanding Amount.