With This Add–on User can Generate Stock Item, Item Group and Item Category Wise Sales and Purchase Report. It helps user to analyze the Sales and Purchase data (Both Qty and Amount) based on Item Wise, Group wise and Category wise.It Displays Part No, Alias Name, Alt Unit, Min/Max Rate.User can filter the Report based on Item Name, Stock Group, Stock Category.
Price : ₹2950
This add-on facilitates the user to Search any Voucher by Amount. It gives the facility of Searching Voucher having Ledger Amount by Exact Value, Less Than, Greater than and in Between Value. This Search Amount Button is displayed in Day Book, All Voucher Register and Ledger Statement.
Price : ₹1180
With this add-on user gets facility to display voucher last Updated System Date and Time and username in Day Book for all voucher types.
Price : ₹1770
In one report user can see both Accounting and Inventory details for any Group of Vouchers. By default Show Inventory Details Option is not available in Group Vouchers Report in Tally Prime Software. This allows to display Inventory details also in group vouchers.
This module helps the user to view bill wise receipt and payment in Sales & Purchase Register. It also shows the pending Bills options. While showing Pending bills, it considers any other adjustment (discount, tds) done through Journal Voucher, Credit Note, Debit Note against that bill. It also shows the Receipt Amount, Receipt Date, Instrument Number and Bank Name in Sales & Purchase Columnar Register.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on allows user to import receipt vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the Receipt Details. User has to enter Voucher type name, Cr/ Dr Ledgers, Amount, Instrument Details, Bill Adjustment details in the excel file in the given format only.
Price : ₹4720
This add-on allows user to import payment vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the Payment Details. User has to enter Voucher type name, Cr/ Dr Ledgers, Amount, Instrument Details, Bill Adjustment details in the excel file in the given format only.
This add-on allows user to import sales vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the sales Details. User has to enter required details for sales vouchers.
Price : ₹5900
This add-on allows user to import Purchase vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the Purchase Details. User has to enter required details for Purchase vouchers.
This add-on allows user to import journal vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the journal details. User has to enter voucher type name, Cr/ Dr Ledgers, Amount details in the excel file in the given format only.
This add-on allows user to import Stock Item Standard Rates & MRP from Excel to Tally. Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the details. User has to enter Item name, Cost Appl. date, Cost Price, Selling Appl. date, Sale Price, MRP date and MRP in the excel file in the given format. This Module provides facility to export existing Stock Item Details & Rates in Excel to avoid any mismatch in Stock Item Name and also see currently entered rates available in Tally.
This add-on allows user to import bank statement from excel to tally. Normally Bank Statements can be downloaded in Excel from the Bank Website or can be requested in the email. We have given Standard Template of Excel File in which user has to copy the required details in the same format.Can be easily copied from the Excel Bank Statement to the given Template.