With this add-on user gets facility to get batch wise Sales & MRP Rate while passing any sales invoice. While passing any purchase voucher user can enter Sales & MRP Rate for each Batch so that selling rate will automatically come while preparing any sales invoice for that Batch Item. User also can enter Batch Wise Sales & MRP Rate in Item Opening Balance.
Price : ₹2950
This add-on will facilitate users to print unit wise quantity total in invoices. This will help the user to have a quick count of the number of items billed. It can be useful in any kind of business that maintains its inventory.
Price : ₹1770
With This Add–on User can Generate Stock Item, Item Group and Item Category Wise Party Wise Sales Report. The Report displays total Sold Qty., Sold Amount. The Reports are available in Matrix and Vertical Format Mode. It helps user to analyze the Sales Data (Both Qty and Amount) based on Item Wise. User can filter the Report based on Ledger Name, Ledger Group, Stock Group, Stock Category and Voucher Type.User can generate Report based on Stock Item Primary Unit and Alt Unit both.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on facilitates User to Create Freight Journal Voucher Automatically after making Sales & Purchase Invoice. Also create advance payment entry voucher .It asks the required details like Transport Ledger Name, Freight Amount, Freight Ledger , Journal ,payment voucher type, cash or bank and payment amount in the Sales Voucher and purchase Voucher.
This add-on facilitates users to compare sales figures for each party between the current year and the previous year. Report can be generated Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly and Yearly. The report displays the sales amount for both years along with the difference.It helps user to analyze the Sales Performance for the current year compared to previous year for the same period. User can apply filters to the Report based on Party name , Party Group and Gross amount.
This add on facilitates user to update cost centers for multiple vouchers directly from the daybook in Single Click. No need to open individual vouchers for Updating Cost Centers. It displays Cost Center name in Day Book.It saves time and effort and also prevents risk of other details of Vouchers getting changed.
This add on facilitates user to display Item details Part No, stock Group , Parent group, Category , last purchase rate and date in Stock Summary Report & Reorder status report .User can print, Export (Excel, PDF) Stock Summary Report and Reorder status report with item details. User can choose Required Field to be displayed in F12 configuration.
By Default Order Number or Challan Number are sorted Name Wise in Sales Voucher Entry during Order or Challan Selection. It creates problem in selecting details on FIFO Basis. This Add-On sorts Challan or Order Details Date wise in Selection Table. This add on works for sales, purchase, delivery note, receipt note, credit note and debit note.If it very useful when selection is on FIFO Basis (Old Pending order/Challan or receipt need to be settled first).
This add on facilitates user to Mark or un-mark vouchers in daybook and registers. These marked vouchers will retain their status Marked with different color until you choose to unmark them.Filter provided in Daybook to display only Marked Vouchers in Given Period.It is useful to differentiate vouchers having some doubts, or query or have importance, or have to follow its related task in priority.
Price : ₹2360
This add on facilitates user to print BOM (Bill of Materials) details with sales order so user can get details of raw materials required to execute that Order. It also prints Item Stock Qty. in BOM Print. It helps user to plan for the Balance Required Qty. User can select each Stock Item from Sales Order total List to generate BOM. He can also select Item BOM if that item has multiple BOM defined in Item Master. He can also change Item Qty. of Sales Order before Print.
By default in Tally the number of default copies to print vouchers is same for all companies. It's not possible to set this difference default print copies for difference companies. With this add-on, users can set number of copies to print vouchers based on company and voucher type. This add on works for sales, sales order, purchase, purchase order, delivery note, receipt note, debit note, credit note, and material In-out vouchers.
Price : ₹1180
In normal sales voucher entry there is no option for POS type printing. To print in POS type format, user have to enter data into a POS voucher separately. With this add-on, users can print POS type voucher print directly from the normal sales voucher entry.Useful for user to print POS Type print from normal sales voucher.