This Add-On allows the user to select Stock Item Name from Selected Group only. User has to first select the Stock Group and then Stock Item for that Group only will be displayed for Selection. Add-On allows the User to Select Group Name only once in Voucher or for each item. This Add-On works for Sales, Sales Order, Credit Note Purchase, Purchase Order, Debit Note, Delivery Note, Receipt Note and Stock Journal.
Price : ₹1770
Tally is not giving facility to get the master details of all the employees. So for that this add-on is useful to get the entire employee master in one report.
Price : ₹1180
This add-on displays the Ledgers Count for any Accounting Group and similarly Stock Items Count for any Stock Group or Category. It helps to know the exact number of Ledgers in any Group. It helps to know the exact number of Stock Items in any Stock Group or Stock Category.
This add–on generates month wise Sales and Purchase Ledger Columnar Report. This report display details of all ledger used in sales and purchase voucher entry. It displays Month Wise total amount of particular ledger. Helpful in identifying month wise sales and purchase Ledger Amount Trend along with Taxes Ledger Amount Trend used in voucher entry.
Price : ₹2360