This module facilitates the user to Print all the Master details of the Selected Group like Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors.
Price : ₹1180
By Default tally allows to give discount by percentage but does not allow to enter discount by value. This module allows you to enter discount by value in sales invoice.
Price : ₹1770
This Add-On Displays the Login User Name in Main Menu and other Sub Menus of Tally Software. For Controlling purpose it is essential to know the currently User Name on display Screen. This add-on helps in displaying it.
This module facilitates the user to Print Purchase Price & Sale Price in Stock Summary Report. This allows the user to view Stock of the Item as well as Purchase Price & Sale Price in one screen. This helps the user to handle the inquiry quickly.
This Module Helps to Display Sr. No. for Stock items in Sales, Purchase, Debit Note and Credit Note Vouchers at Voucher Entry Mode. User can easily show Details of item including serial number of Item.
This add-on facilitates the user to Display Purchase Rate of Item in Item Selection List at Sales & Purchase Voucher Entry. As Per requirement user can choose to display closing rate, standard rate and last purchase voucher rate of item during voucher entry .This will help to know Purchase Rate before deciding Sales Rate.
This add-on facilitates the user to Control the Sales price. This module gives warning or Blocks the Sales Voucher Entry if Item Sales Rate is lower then Set Minimum Sales Price. Module gives 4 options of Setting the Minimum Sales Price. (Item Stock Closing Rate, Manual Entry in Item Master, Last Purchase Price and Standard Sales Price).
Price : ₹2360
This module gives user a freedom to give any kind of reference to bills so that he can filter the bills outstanding report as per his choice.
Price : ₹2950
User will keep one item in one or two godowns but will not keep all the items in all the godowns. So scrolling through list of godowns every time in voucher entry will be a tedious job. This module facilitates the user to Hide Godown with Zero Quantity in Voucher Entry. Only Godowns having balance will be shown; rest of the godowns will be hidden. .
This Add-On displays the user Unit Wise Qty. total in stock summary Report & Sales/Purchase Columnar Report. By default Tally shows Unit total only if all Items having similar Unit. With this add-on user get each Unit Total separately. It shows both the Total of Qty.of Primary and Alternate Unit.
This Module helps user to Send SMS from Tally.erp9. User can send SMS for all the vouchers of Tally. User can also remind their customer's of bills that are due.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on facilitates the user to Print Recipient's Name in Receipt Register.