This Module helps user to Send SMS from Tally.erp9. User can send SMS for all the vouchers of Tally. User can also remind their customer's of bills that are due.
Price : ₹3540
This Add-on facilitates the user to get Supplier Invoice No. and Date in Ledger Statement and Purchase Register.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on allows user to import sales Order vouchers from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the sales order Details. User has to enter required details for sales Order vouchers. It saves the time of manual Sales Order Entry individually. User can import inventory sales Order vouchers. Very useful if Sales Order Data is available in excel Format from any other software and the same to be entered in Tally for Accounting.
Price : ₹5900
This add on facilitates user to Generate CPCB EPR Plastic Annual Report. This add on generates importer and producer Sales/Purchase Report directly from Tally. Helpful in uploading CPCB EPR Annual Return.Useful to CPCB EPR Plastic Importers /exporters to generate Annual Sales & Purchase Data directly from Tally.
Price : ₹4130