Running a restaurant is no easy feat. You have a never-ending list of tasks, from managing the front desk, to revising menus and checking in on the kitchen. Whether you own a fast food restaurant, fine dining establishment, install the restaurant management app to get the most out of your restaurant business. Trusted by hundred of Restaurants, our solution helps restaurants get more reservations and happier guests.
Bill / General

- Bill in Multiple mode payment option
- Bill reprint, Coupan System
- Discount Given Multiple way like Groupwise, Itemwise, Topping, Rs. And % Wise
- Table number in categoty wise discount apply
- Set Happy Hour discount date wise and time wise
- (-) Qty time KOT Print option
- KOT Print - Table no. wise, group wise
- Running table Joint & Table Transfer
- KOT Print And Counter print
- Feedback form enter and auto save ledger
- Item enter unit wise
- One Item in add Multiple Rate like Ac, NonAC, Plate, KG etc
- Reprint Counting how many minutes Table Running time show

- Cashier check list report
- Sales Report daywise, datewise and Summary report
- Item sales report
- Bill modify Reoport
- Customer Detail report
- DOB and DOA Alert report
- Sales Report show In Bar chart and pie chart
- Partywise Sales Report
- Customer Feedback Summary Report
- Material Master, Material Issue Report, Material Receive Report, Stock Summary Report
Inventory Management

- Material Received
- Material Issue location wise
- Material Costing
- Check Closing Stock
- Material Tracking
- Material Stock Reconciliation
- Auto Issue location
- Auto Stock Consumpt
- Itemwise Add GST % different different

- Pending Bill wise collect receipt
- Payment entry
- Misc. Expense Entry
- Account Detail report : Cash account, Bank account, Sundry Debtors,Sundry Creditors, etc.
User Security

- User and Administrator right's set in user
- Userwise set back dated entry show and modify
- Modify History Generate
Banquet Billing Module

- Maintain Banquet Hall Billing
- Maintain Banquet Party Billing
- Sales Reports for the Banquet
RMS Order Taking Tab / Mobile App
Mobile / Tablet Features
- Order taken
- KOT Print and reprint
- Send Table Order related message
- Bill print request
- Change Table
- Feedback
- All item rate change at one time
- Customer Feedback form enter
- Ledger Data Maintain Multiple Branchwise
- Ledger Import/Export
SMS / Email
- Bill time SMS send to customer mobile no.
- Birthday, Anniversary, and Occasional SMS sent
- Day Close SMS on Owner mobile no.
- Day close time Cashier Check List Report Auto Email
Special Features
- KOT Print in Kitchen
- Bill ModifyList Report Generate with Userwise.
- LAN Based System