By Default, Tally does not display contact details of ledger in main ledger screen, to enter contact details of ledger we have to open contact details screen. With this add on user can see ledger contact details in ledger main screen. User can enter contact details of particular ledger directly from the main screen . Easy to view Contact Details of any existing Ledger.
Price : ₹1180
This add–on generates Item wise / month wise sales & Purchase Report. Users gets reports based on quantity. This add-on shows the user monthly total quantity of item which is sold or purchased. User can see reports of items by selecting item name group name , category name and other display options is also available i.e. alt qty, alt qty with amount, amount, main qty, main qty with amount .Easy to know monthly sales and purchase of particular item in Single Report.
Price : ₹2950
This Add–on generates party wise / month wise sales & purchase report. Users get total Gross as well as Net Amount in sales & purchase reports. User gets party wise / month wise sales and purchase report .Easy to know monthly sales and purchase of particular party in Single Report and helps in identifying ups and downs of transactions of that party in any month.
Price : ₹3540
If any customer has multiple branches then User can enter all branch Mailing Details in ledger master and then can select Mailing Name (Branch Name) for which he is making Sales Invoice. By default, in Outstanding Report only Ledger Name is shown. With this add on user can see and print customers mailing location (Branch Name) of that Invoice in outstanding report.
This add-on will provide user to update the ledger contact details of a specific group for better and easy access to them. User can update or see contact details of ledger from one single screen. No need to go in every ledger alteration screen to enter or update contact details of particular ledger. It saves time of updating. Easy to maintain contact details of ledgers.
Price : ₹1770
By default tally allows to give discount by percentage but does not allow to display discount in amount. This Module facilitates a user to display discount in amount along with discount by percentage in Invoice. This add-on works on sales/purchase voucher, credit note, debit note, delivery note, sales order and purchase order. Easy to know exact discounted amount for particular item in invoice.
This add-on facilitates the user to print receipt voucher with Pre-Inserted Authorized Signature and print signature in formal receipt also. No need of Printing, Signing and scanning the document. Directly one can send Receipt with Signature.
This add-on facilitates the user to print party Aadhaar number in invoice. User can enter Aadhaar number in ledger Master. This add-on Prints Aadhar Number in sales, sales order, purchase, purchase order, delivery note, receipt note, material in and material out voucher types. Useful when person’s Id Number is required to print in Invoice for future reference.
If User wants to wish their valuable customers when their birthdays or anniversary comes but it’s not possible to remember all the dates of birthdays and anniversary of all the customer. With this add-on user gets reminder report of birthday and anniversary of person belongs to their party name created in tally to wish their customer. User can enter multiple persons Birthday or Anniversary in Single Ledger.
Tally does not print HSN Code in Material In and Material Out voucher invoice. With this add-on user can Print HSN Code in Material In and Material Out voucher invoice.
This add-on facilitates the user to print Payment Advice with Pre-Inserted Authorized Signature.
This module facilitates the user to Print Item name and Description as Separate Column in Sales and purchase Columnar Register without detailed report. It will show only first item name and its description in columnar report. Having Item Name & Description along with the Party Name and Other Invoice Details in the same row helps the user in further processing for various Analysis in Excel.