This Add-on gives the option of printing Alternate Unit Column in Stock Journal Voucher. User gets Total of Alternate unit in Stock Journal Voucher.
Price : ₹1180
By default in Tally, when we select Export Masters (Ledgers and Stock Items), All ledgers and stock items get exported in XML. User cannot select any specific group. This add-on allows user to select Ledger Group or Stock Group while exporting Master Data. So Masters related to that group only will be exported.
In default Tally, User enters Item Wise Discount in % (Percentage) during Voucher Entry. Tally does not show discount in amount. This add-on helps user to view entered % discount in Amount. It also shows Total Discount in Amount entered for all the Items. This add-on works in Sales Invoice, Purchase, Credit Note, Debit Note, Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Note and Receipt Note.
This add-on helps administrator to control the access of TDL's & add-on Menu to other users. Administrator can give Access of TDL Management to selected users only. Only admin and authorized users can access TDLs & Add-On Menu. Unauthorized users will not be able to Enable OR Disable any local add-ons. Also they cannot change the setting of the already installed add-ons.
Price : ₹1770
By Default in Tally, User can Export Data of only Sales and Purchase Vouchers in Excel Pivot table. This Add-on allows user to Export Data of Sales Order & Purchase Order, Debit Note & Credit Note in Excel Pivot Table. User gets all data of Vouchers and relevant Masters in Pivot Table in Excel Columns.
Price : ₹2360
This add-on enables user to sort Expiry Date wise Pending Batch allocation in Voucher Entry. It helps to select the batch which is going to expire early. It is very useful when Batch is to be allocated on FIFO Basis (Old Pending Batch need to be settled first) .
This add-on allows user to view masters details from voucher entry in View Mode. By default in Tally, User cannot go to Master Details Screen from Voucher Entry if he does not have Master Creation or Alteration Rights. This add-on allows the user to view Master Details Screen from Voucher Entry in such cases by Pressing Alt +Enter Key.
This Add on Enables user to View Closing Stock in Movement Analysis Reports. Closing Stock Qty. is displayed on Stock Group/Category Analysis, Group/Ledger Analysis and Transfer Analysis. User can search for any specific item. Also shows reports of Negative Balance and Zero Balance Items.
With This Add-on User Can View Ledger Alias as Separate Column in Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss and Trial Balance Reports. Separate Column of Alias Name in Print and Export also. Separate Alias Column of Ledger Name helps in further processing, comparing, importing Data.
By default tally shows Item Pending Qty. only in Main Unit in Pending Order Selection List. This add-on allows the user to view Pending Qty in both Main Unit and Alternate Unit. This add-on works in Sales Order, Purchase Order, Delivery Challan and Receipt Note. User can know Pending Order Qty in both the units of Stock Item.
This add-on enables user to sort the bill allocations details in the ascending order of due date or bill date. First it sorts the amount based on due date and if no due date is mentioned then it sorts the details based on Bill Date. It is very useful when amount is to be allocated on FIFO Basis (Old Pending Amount need to be settled first) or Based on Due Date.
With this add-on, user can create multiple Sales & Purchase vouchers very quickly in one cycle. Saves manual data entry time. User can select Stock Item, Sales and GST Ledger to use in Voucher Creation. Gives the option of Selection of period and number of vouchers within that period. Gives the option of auto round off in voucher creation.
Price : ₹3540