This add-on helps users to create multiple Receipt Vouchers with one configuration. Selection of Cash/Bank and other details differently for every transaction, and user can make multiple Receipts from single screen.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on helps users to create multiple Payment Vouchers with one configuration. Selection of Cash/Bank and other details differently for every transaction, and user can make multiple payments from single screen.
This add-on will facilitate user to Import Ledger Group/Parent Group, Ledger Masters, and Ledger Opening Balance from Excel to Tally. All the details like Party Name, Under Group, Credit Period, Address, State, Pin-code, Phone No, Fax No, Mobile No, Email ID, Email CC ID, Bank Detail, GSTIN/UIN No., PAN No., Opening balance will be automatically captured from Excel and imported to Tally. .
This add-on enables you Quick Creation of Multi Batch/Serial No’s in Voucher Entry (Sales, Purchase, Credit Note and Debit Note). While making the Voucher Entry users will get the interface where they can type multi Batches on screen at once, no need to create the batches separately.
This add-on enables you to allow attach the relevant documents at transaction level & Master Level (Ledger & Stock Item) in Tally Prime. The documents can be viewed at the Report Level & Master Level.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on will allow you to set image of each individual stock item during stock item creation and Stock Summary also. These images will then appear in Voucher Creation of Sales and Purchase.
Price : ₹2360
This add-on stops users to alter the audited transactions. This helps in securing the finalized and audited transactions from being edited. This Add-on also displays Audited Status of Vouchers in Day book and Ledger.
Price : ₹2950
This add-on facilitates user to search narration in bill wise Outstanding Report.
Price : ₹1180
In Default Tally, while preparing Purchase Invoice from pending goods receipt note, user has to select each receipt note manually after selecting the party name in supplementary details. This Add-On gives the option of entering the date range where all generated receipt notes for the selected party between the given dates are automatically selected for Purchase Voucher.
In Default Tally, while preparing Sales Invoice from pending Delivery Challan, user has to select Each Delivery Challan manually after selecting the Party Name in Supplementary Details. This Add-On gives the option of entering the Date Range where all Generated Challan for the Selected Party between the given Dates are automatically selected for Sales Invoice.
This add-on facilitates User to Create Payment Automatically after making Purchase Voucher.
This add-on facilitates User to Create Receipt automatically after making Sales Invoice.This add-on allows generation of Single Receipt of Multiple Receipt (Max Up to 3) for Multi-Mode Payment against One Invoice. User can enter Details of Bank Allocation also. No need to enter Receipt Voucher separately and so saves the time.