In Today’s Business world it is necessary to secure your Business Data from unauthorized person. Generally Account department staff handles your accounting data. All of them should not have right to access each & every data. Different person having different level of access. This can be done by this Voucher Security Control Add-ons.
Price : ₹3540
This add-on will enable users to view the total value of all transactions for a particular day or given period in Day Book.
Price : ₹1180
With this add-on, User can generate Country wise Item Sales Summary Report. User can select Specific Country and Filter the Report based on Selected Country.
Price : ₹1770
This add-on provides you a feature of merging two stock items having same unit of measurements.
This add-on is used to block users from altering entries which are reconciled. No alteration of reconciled entries. No worries of mismatch, once reconciled.
With this add-on user get facilities to send emails of Ledger and Outstanding Report for Selected Parties.User can be filtered period wise too, as the user can send the Outstanding details and Ledger report to specific period also.
Price : ₹2950
With This add-on user get facilities to send emails of sales invoice for selected parties. User can search Invoice based on Party Name also to Send Email Vouchers for that Party only.
Price : ₹2124
With This Add-on user get Facilities to send multiple emails of selected Vouchers.
With this add-on user gets facility to select printer as per voucher type for Voucher Printing. User can select different printer for different voucher type and that printer will be automatically selected when that voucher is printed.
With this add-on user gets facility to display Item and Part no. alias during voucher entry. Easy to display Part No. and alias during Voucher Entry.
With this add-on user gets facility to display voucher last Updated System Date and Time and username in Day Book for all voucher types.
With This add-on user gets facility to send Outstanding Follow up with Reminder as per System date wise.