This add-on allows user to import inventory details in voucher entry from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill inventory details. Excel File contains all Fields related to Inventory Entry (Item Name, Description, Qty, Rate, Discount, Amount, Godown and Batch Name). It Generates Log File in Tally Prime Folder if any Stock Name of Excel is not available in Tally during import (For New Stock Item).
Price : ₹3540
This add on facilitates admin to control narration in voucher entry. Sometime users do not enter the Narration and accept the voucher entry. It makes difficult later to under this transaction. Admin can make Narration as Mandatory for each Voucher Entry and can also decide minimum Character to be entered in Narration. Admin can choose the Narration entry as Compulsory or Optional for each Voucher Type.
Price : ₹1180
This add on Control Entry of Stock Item Duplicate Batch Creation. This Module will work in Inward Vouchers Purchase, Receipt Note, Stock Journal and Mfg. Journal.User can choose to block or warn duplicate batch creation of stock item during Voucher Entry.User can choose to Select Duplicate Batch Control for All Stock Items, Specific Group Stock Items or Specific Selected Stock Items Only.
Price : ₹2124
This add-on facilitates User to display Bank and Bill Reference Details in Columnar Report. This add-on works in Payment and Receipt Columnar Reports. Easy to know Bank and Bill Reference Details in Columnar Report itself rather than opening the vouchers.
Price : ₹1770
This module facilitates the user to display sales and purchase order outstanding Report by Order due date.User gets Order Outstanding Report by due date, which helps in Planning the Item Receipt and Despatch.
This add-on allows user to import Employee Attendance voucher from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the Employee Attendance Voucher details. User has to enter required details of attendance voucher in Excel File.It saves the time of manual Entry individually.Very useful if Data is available in excel Format from any other software and the same to be entered in Tally.
Price : ₹2360
This add-on allows user to import Employee Master Details from excel to tally. Standard Excel File template is given in which user has to fill the Employee data details. User has to enter required details of Employee in Excel File.It saves the time of manual Entry individually.Very useful if Data is available in excel Format from any other software and the same to be entered in Tally.
This add on print Group Name in Ledger Wise Trial Balance Report. Including Group names along with ledger names enhances the clarity and understanding of trial balance report.
This add-on increase voucher narration entry limit. With a higher voucher narration entry limit, users have more space to provide detailed descriptions or explanations for each transaction.By Default Tally allows to write 250 Characters in Narration. With this Add-on user can increase this limit to 500.
This add-on facilitates the user to enter Stock Item Description as column in voucher entry and print. By Default Item Description is printed below the Item Name in Voucher Print. This Add-On is suitable only when you have short Description of One Line. It saves space in Printing hence user can print More Number of Items in Single Print.It is also easy to understand having Item Description as separate column in Print.
This add-on print Dispatch From details in Sales invoice and Delivery Note. User can define Multiple Company Locations or Godowns in Enable Multiple Address in F11 Configuration. At the time of making Sales Invoice, he can select the Location from where Material is actually being dispatched and it gets printed in Sales Invoice and Delivery Note.
This add on generates Godown Wise Item Stock Report with Godown as Column in tally. User can filter the Report based on Selected Group and category. It shows required details of stock item like item name, alias, part no, group, category, Godown name in column and total qty of item and total qty present in each godown.Godown Name as Column Report is easy for User to find out Godown Wise Stock Qty.Report also shows Godown Wise Stock in Alt Unit Qty. and Stock Amount.